Conservation In Action Tour 2011 A Success

""CTIC welcomed participants from Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Ontario, South Dakota, Washington D.C., and Wisconsin. And more than 15 agribusinesses shared their knowledge, expertise and product information.
Rex Martin, CTIC board chair and Syngenta Crop Protection head of industry affairs, shares his thoughts. “This tour really shows the value of CTIC – bringing together a diverse group of people to learn about, talk about and explore new opportunities for conservation in agriculture. Excellent farms, important dialogue and a great mix of public and private sector perspectives make this tour something special.” Participants appreciated the variety of information shared and time to visit with others from around the country.
WHEN: August 8-9, 2011
WHERE: Northwest Ohio

showcased profitable, innovative Northwest Ohio farms while participants learned how the producers make conservation an integral part of their operations.

Post Tour News Release

Conservation In Action Tour 2012

Mark your calendars for next year's Conservation In Action Tour, scheduled to take place in the Mississippi Delta in early June 2012.

Many thanks to this year's Conservation In Action Tour sponsors.

2011 Conservation In Action Tour sponsors

Tour Leader:


Tour Social Sponsor:


Expo Exhibitors:

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Lunch & Dinner Sponsor:


Notebook Sponsor:

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Bus Sponsor:
