Wildlife Upland Habitat

Creating, maintaining or improving food and cover for upland wildlife.                         ""

How it works

Planting trees, shrubs, grass and other vegetation that provide cover and food will attract wildlife to an area. The type of habitat provided will determine the kind and numbers of wildlife attracted.

How it helps

Ground cover helps reduce soil erosion, adds organic matter to the soil, filters runoff and increases infiltration.
It can add value to your farmstead. Planned wildlife habitat provides food and cover for wildlife.

Planning ahead

Will your planned habitat attract the type of wildlife you want?
Is a particular piece of land better suited for upland habitat than for livestock or crops?
Do you plan to allow hunting?
Are there any endangered or threatened species in your area you could help protect?
How close do you want the habitat area to your farmstead?

Tech notes

Plant the wildlife area with a vegetative cover of grass, trees or shrubs.
Exclude livestock.
To attract a specific wildlife species, choose cover and habitat for that species.
Create a diverse habitat to attract a wider variety of wildlife.
Consult with a local wildlife biologist, Soil & Water Conservation District, Natural Resources Conservation Service, or wildlife group in your area for local recommendations.
Include a food plot if possible.
Encourage shrub growth between woodlands and grasslands.
Include bird houses and feeding stations in habitat areas.
Plant fruit and nut bearing trees or shrubs to the windward side of a woodland habitat area.


Prescribed burning may be necessary to regenerate growth and eliminate undesirable species.
Use weed management to maintain desirable plant and animal species.
Replant vegetation and trees if habitat area is damaged by disease or poor weather.