Water Quality Trading Workshop (July 8-9, 2009)

""When: July 8 - 9, 2009
Where: Atwood Lake Resort and Conference Center
2650 Lodge Road
Sherrodsville, OH 44675
**To make reservations - call and reference the Water Quality Workshop to receive the group rate of $89 per night.

To view the Agenda, click here.

Together with its partners, Environmental Trading Network, the International Certified Crop Advisers, and the Water Environment Federation, the Conservation Technology Information Center will host a Water Quality Credit Trading Workshop at Atwood Lake Resort and Conference Center (30 miles south of Canton, OH) on July 8 and 9, 2009.

Water quality trading is a market-based approach to improve water quality. It is an innovative, voluntary tool that connects industrial and municipal facilities (point sources) with agricultural producers or other landowners (nonpoint sources) to economically achieve water quality improvements and to accommodate growth. It is a flexible and cost-effective approach for maintaining, restoring, or enhancing water quality.

Through this interactive, two-day workshop, CTIC and our partners aim to increase awareness of water quality trading and improve understanding of the voluntary process among agricultural producers and their advisors, wastewater treatment representatives, and potential "aggregators" (organizations that serve as a kind of broker, facilitating trading).

Expert speakers will include EPA representatives, water quality trading policy and program design experts, credit aggregators, wastewater treatment plant representatives and agriculture representatives. They will introduce the concepts, benefits and challenges of trading and the steps involved in developing a trading program. The training will include breakout sessions to give participants specific skills to develop or participate in a trading program. Case studies from will be highlighted so participants can learn from existing trading programs.

Plan to attend the workshop on July 8 and 9. If you have questions, please contact CTIC at 765-494-9555 or ctic@conservationinformation.org.

Sponsorship opportunities are available, read more here.

Click here to download the registration form.