Tour Agenda

Drawing on talent from across the U.S. and around the world, St. Louis is a vibrant hub for agriculture and technology- the perfect place to celebrate 40 years of conservation in action. Download the agenda HERE.


Monday, September 12th:

6:30-9:30pm CTIC 40th Anniversary Celebration

Trolley Room, St. Louis, Forest Park

Speakers include:

-Rod Snyder, Agriculture Advisor, EPA

- Scott Herndon, President of Field to Market

- Bruno Pigott , US EPA OW Deputy Assistant Administrator

- Karen Scanlon, former CTIC Executive Director


Tuesday, September 13th:

8:00 Leave the official CTIC Tour hotel- Hilton Frontenac, St. Louis

9:00 Arrive at the Henry White Experimental Farm

Speakers include:

Elliot Lagacy, Illinois Department of Agriculture

- Nathan Fields, National Corn Growers Association

- Randy McElroy, Bayer Crop Science – Henry White Farm Introduction

- Nathan Johanning, U of IL Extension – Cover Crop Species

- Dr. Karla Gage, Southern Illinois University & Mike Wuerffel,

Beekeeper – Pollinator Habitats

- Dr. Stacy Zuber, Illinois State Soil Health Specialist – Soil Health and Tillage

12:15 Lunch provided by CTIC at the Hilton St. Louis Frontenac

Special lunch speaker Louis Aspey, NRCS Associate Chief

2:00 Arrive at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center (DDPSC)

2:00-2:40 pm Soil Carbon Technology

-Mike Decamp, CEO, Cover Cress

-Melissa Motew, Sr. Director, Carbon Science & Modeling, Indigo Ag

-Chris Topp, Ph.D., PI, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center

-Cinitia Ribeiro, Ph.D, Carbon Program Lead, Bayer Crop Science

2:40-3:20 pm Remote Sensing & Data Science

-Soren Rundquist, OpTIS Science Lead, Regrow Ag

-Michael Sunde, Ph.D., Director, Missouri Resource Assessment Partnership

-Noah Fahlgren, Ph.D., PI, Dir of Data Science, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center

-Joshua White, Geospatial Director, T-Rex

3:20-4:00 pm - Advanced Nutrient Technology

-Adam Herges, Sr. Sustainability Agronomist, Mosaic

-Ivan Baxter, Ph.D, P.I., Donald Danforth Plant Science Center

-Mike Gill, Sr. Advisor, Sustainable Ag, Nutrien Ag

-Jin Zhu, Product Development Support, Pivot Bio

4:00 Ag Tech Showcase/ Optional tours of DDPSC

6:00 Closing Banquet

Dinner speaker: Dr. Don Wuebbles, Harry E. Preble Professor of Atmospheric Sceince, University of Illinois

9:30 Buses will begin leaving the facility

Location addresses:
Hilton Frontenac, St. Louis
1335 S Lindbergh Blvd
St. Louis, MO 63131
Trolley Room, Forest Park:
5595 Grand Drive in Forest Park
St. Louis, MO 63112
Henry White Experimental Farm
4769 Centerville Ave
Millstadt, IL 62260
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
975 N Warson Rd
Olivette, MO 63132