Cropland - Modeled DNDC Soil and GHG Outcomes
Modeled DNDC Soil and GHG Outcomes
Data are available for soil carbon changes and GHG emissions. The soil and GHG outcomes (methane, as well as indirect and direct nitrous oxide) are based on the use of the practice-adoption data as input to the DNDC model. Data are currently available for the years 2015-2021.
The Denitrification-Decomposition (DNDC) model was used to simulate carbon and nitrogen soil dynamics as a function of the soil health management practices monitored by OpTIS (crop diversity, conservation tillage, and cover crops). As with previous releases, all data are undergoing various forms of peer review and may be updated in the future. If you see a region that is "grayed-out," that means there were insufficient data available for the DNDC model to be run.
Explore the Cropland DNDC Modeling Results

Cropland DNDC Modeling
Data are available for soil carbon changes and GHG emissions.
The soil and GHG outcomes (methane, as well as indirect and direct nitrous oxide) are based on the use of the vegetation type and herbaceous productivity data as input to the DNDC model. Data are currently available for the years 2015-2021. The croplands DNDC modeling results are available at the watershed (HUC8) and Crop Reporting District (CRD) scales.
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